faith va


Faith was born in San Luis Obispo Ca, moved around a bit in Socal from the ages 0-11 when her mom decided to move to MI. At the age of 21 Faith decided to move back to Ca! She grew up with a single mom and income was hard to maintain and she remembers her mom sacrificing so much for the better health of their animals and for her. Faith wanted to get in the veterinary filed to help everyone in need especially low-income areas. Faith graduated High School in 2019, went to the University in Michigan for about 2yrs (due to covid) and recently transferred to CSULA to finish the rest of her bachelor’s in biology. As an assistant, she works closely with the DVMS helping provide treatments to all patients and she also works closely with the pet parents helping discuss treatment plans and bridging the doctor/client relationship. Faith has 4 cats, Joker who is her first baby is a 6yr old brown tabby who was rescued in Michigan during her freshman year of college. Two years later, she adopted JiJi her grey tabby kitten who’s about 2yrs old. Joker is a very chunky baby and loves treats, while JiJi is very reserved and stand offish at times. She just adopted the famous Taxi and Griz from Anza. Since she brought them home, they have never been more adventurous and loving (of food). She has a ton of interest and hobbies that phase in and out of her life, she tends to hyper fixate on different things. A few things that have stuck with her throughout her life have been building computers and playing soccer. Both hobbies started when she was at a young age to the point where it’s become almost second nature to her.